My One and Only.

by Victoria Santos
(Luanda, Angola.)

Awesomeness of freedom are you, Oh my Lord.
My enduring light, only in you i find delight.
My greatness of Father, my everlasting love
My best and so much more are you my God.
Through all, you are, the one i ought to talk about.
Above all, you are the one and only giver of life.
The praise in my words, oh amazing of my heart,
Joyful i say, Jehovah you are the best I've got.
Counselor, my guide, how great Lord you are!
The beginner, the seed in me, my true smile.
I share tears of happiness, for today, i know you are God.
So precious, holy, master! So much, so extremely fine
My all, receiver of my prayer, unto you my praise
Yes my Jehovah, my Rock, true and only God
So beautiful, gracious, enormous, attentive, nice.
You are the best adjective i know not
Jehovah, before I was and for the eternal life
You know me, You love me, and that is already enough
To make me complete, to keep me alive.
Majestic, extremely attrative are you when you speak
So powerful, so much Real not to see.
Provider, redeemer, my step and best adviser.
Whisper of Pleasant voice, and thunder come from you
My wave of peace, excellence of my time.
Is there anyone Greater than thee?...I am sure there is not.
My song and reason to sing, memory of Good, it's found in you
Awesomeness and freedom and joy are You Oh my Lord.
These are words for You, today, a thanksgiving for your Grace.
Yes, for the One and best Friend someone can ever Have.

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