by Kathie Williamson

One dark and dismal morning, I cried out in despair
as hope within lay shattered in pieces everywhere
"Where Lord thy tender mercy, where Lord my need be met?
For I have prayed in earnest, where Lord thy promise kept?
Where Lord thy loving kindness as spoken in thy word?
Where Lord lies the evidence my prayers to you were heard?

I had hoped so in your mercy in answer to my prayer
But Lord right now it seems to me as if you didn't care
You do not have to answer Lord, but I do not understand
And I so need to see right now the mercy of thy hand

For if my hope is shattered, what Lord will I do?
What Lord shall become of me if I lose my hope in you?
For who have I on earth but thee and who in heaven above?
Where Lord be my comfort, if not found in your love?"

"O my child, hush be still, for you have much to learn
And there is much within my word which you have not discerned
Hope in my word is not a tool to grant your heart's desires
For the heart can be deceitful in all that it aspires
My hope was never meant to merely grant you temporal things
Nor to be used by you a means by which my will to change
My hope was given in my son and what He has done for you
For therein lies my mercy child and therein lies my truth
For every promise I have made and spoken, 'Yes, Amen'
is granted child on your behalf because you are in Him
And there may yet be many things that you will not understand
For my ways are not your ways and my plans are not your plans
But if your hope is in my son then you will make it through
And one day when you're home again, it will all be clear to you
But for now child you must realize that hope is not a thing
Hope child is a person, Jesus is his name."

2 Corinthians 1:17,20 - Or the things I plan, do I plan according to the flesh, that with me there should be Yes, Yes and No, No? For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

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