Lonely Soldier

by Ashley Tagoon
(South Carolina)

Tears they fall, it's only Jesus she can call, catch me lord before I fall. My days are filled with the silence of lonely, affection I need to be known, Lord oh Lord, if only if only. I feel as though I am trapped in a storm, the waves are drowning me, I need it to be calm, Lord I ask to let me take on a new form. This flame inside, it burns mighty low, I ask not to reap what I didn't intend to sow. So full of life, the compassion that was inside of me, I'm walking through the fire pleading to come out so I can fly higher. Ignite that flame in my soul, let it burn brighter and brighter as the dark fades away, I'm a soldier, I'm a fighter. Let the words of the enemy disappear in my mind, he tells me what I'm not, this I will never be, you said you were with me God, show those who curse and abuse me, God, I beg you to let all who can see. These scars I carry, I walk through this life with them everywhere on me, they tell my story, and I didn't get them pleasantly. I don't hide and unashamed, I've never ran away but into your arms I keep finding myself, that's where I am brave. Lord, I walk on this battlefield, it's day after day, those wounds I take, it brings me only to remember what you did say. This life would not be easy, people will hate and curse me because of your name's sake, that you Lord, you are Alpha and Omega, the enemy is done taking all he can take. Here I stand, I call all the angels down and here in the trenches, myself in you I have found. I am not alone, this promise you whispered in my ear, through the hills and the valleys, I lift my voice loudly, beside me you appear. Lord, don't carry me, take hold of my hand, rising out of the trenches and out of the fiery ashes I have come, before you I stand. I'm now guided by the spirit, I was touched by the Holy Ghost, my flame's been ignited, and never will I give up, like I have told you, I'm a soldier, I'm a fighter. My enemy is defeated, I still carry these scars and I will wear them proudly, it was Jesus beside me, the angels who protected me. I now soar this battlefield in remembrance living my life as God lifted my wings up and whispered my child, it was never my purpose for you to ever drown.

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