Jim Fryer Sermons

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Jim Fryer sermons is the web page of original sermons and lessons by Jim Fryer. Click here for details on how to get your own page!

Church: Trinity Baptist Church
Position: Senior Pastor
Denomination: Baptist

About Jim Fryer

Rev. Jim Fryer grew up in a small town in Arkansas where he excelled in athletics and receive many state honors and a full scholarship to the University of Arkansas.  It was during his time in college that he trusted Christ as his Savior and felt the call to preach.

His years of ministry include 15 years on staff at the renowned Landmark Baptist Temple in Cincinnati.  It was here that he experienced many outstanding movements of God. 

1) He directed the bus ministry where over 3000 rode buses to church.

2) Also during this time at Landmark that he pastored one of the seven satellite congregations.  During that tenure his ministry experienced many salvation services including one where 66 people came to Christ in one service with a high attendance of 565.

Jim also served 6 years with Evangelism Explosion where he participated in preparing the North American Strategy for Evangelism Explosion.  He is a certified trainer/teacher and has established 3 EE local ministries.  He is active in personal soul winning and discipleship. 

Jim is also certified in Refocused Living and Focusing the Church ministries.

Jim presently pastors Trinity Baptist Church in Cincinnati, OH.  He is married to Janet K and has three adult children all serving faithfully in their local churches.

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All Sermons by Jim Fryer:

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Chosen words for ministers/churches of the gospel 
Proverbs 3. (Jeremy Fryer) I. Obey his commandments and have a life worth living v. 1-2 2. Embrace Mercy and Truth and enjoy the approval of God v.3-4 …

Leadership from Nehemiah 
My subject Today is Leadership. There are many interactive words that mean close to the same thing: influence, being out front, taking the oversight, …

Time and Chance 
Ecclesiastes 9:1-18 INTRODUCTION: Time and Chance affects everyone. It controls everyone. Time is so widely used that there over 15 different uses …

How to Succeed in the Christian Walk 
Matthew 6:19-33 INTRODUCTION: Often pastors leave the idea that the Christian walk is some mysterious journey that requires some super spiritual …

Judges: An Introduction 
INTRODUCTION: There are 12 judges of Israel. They are Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah (Barak) Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and …

A Promise to Those Who Read the Bible 
Psalm 119:130; Rev 1:3 Introduction: What promises do you use to guide your life? What promises do you stand on to win in this life? What promises …

The Message of Love 
1 John 3:11-24 INTRODUCTION: Do you ever lose your temper? Do you ever have unresolved anger problems? Do you hold grudges? Do you ever write …

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