Jesus Who Came

by Ashley Tagoon

He's not like man but so precious to me,
with grace and love He died on Calvary.
I came from a place so dark and cold,
you might think your more so bold.
Their I was in some disguise,
a day I thought this is my last sunrise.
All alone and very afraid,
no one could ever be so brave.
It's Jesus who came and took my hand,
my child I'll lead you to the Promised Land.
His love like no other, I can't explain,
but I was busy for someone else to blame.
A day that came and thought was the end,
here came Jesus who stepped right in.
His name I cried out, pleaded one glance,
Jesus He saved me and gave me this chance.
My life full of sin and now all gone,
I was one who had to be shown.
My eyes were uncovered after this price I did pay,
Jesus is the potter and I was his clay.
I was broken and shattered, so ugly to you
but God had a masterpiece, he would reveal it too.
Carefully He worked having his purpose in mind,
He is the reason and why I shine.
Where I am now and by only his choice,
He let's me wake up to only the sound of his voice.
A mother He made me and blessed with three,
I had a duty made just for me.
A walking testimony as I tell you my past,
Jesus is the one you never put last.
I'm a reminder to never run with the world,
tomorrow's never promised, you can have God's loving shoulder.
I'm the believer God took from the one who's deceiver,
please someone come be a receiver.
A broken vessel I am but it's God who chose me,
I am the masterpiece He knew you would see.

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Sep 02, 2015
Jesus who came
by: Anonymous

I very much liked reading your poem Ashley. May God bless you with many, many more to reach the lost souls of the lost world. God bless you Ashley a brother in Christ Samuel Williams

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