Jesus Loved Them To The End

by Jonathan Spurlock
(Holts Summit, MO)

Text: John 13:1-20

The events in this chapter took place on the last day or so of Christ’s life, before Calvary. He loved them and wanted them to remember the example He provided, even though they didn’t understand any of it at first!

I The declaration: He loved them to the end (v 1)
A In spite of their lack of understanding
B In spite of their bickering (who’s the greatest? Lk 22:24)
C In spite of their refusal to minister to one another

II The demonstration: washing their feet (vv. 2-6)
A The job of a household servant (Lightfoot, etc.)
B This was something none of them volunteered to do
C “Towel” was a linen cloth, not our terry or cotton towels (to wipe with). See John Gill, A T Robertson

III The dialogue with Simon Peter (vv. 6-11)
A A surprised question (You? Wash? My feet?)
B A spiritual reply (You’ll understand this later on)
C A stubborn refusal (No way THAT’S going to happen!)
D A simple reminder (No wash for thee, no part with Me)
E A sincere request (Wash ALL of me, Lord!)
F A striking illustration (clean, except for feet Scofield)

IV The discourse with all the apostles (12-20)
A A question: do you comprehend what I did?
B An example: you should do as I did for you
C A rebuke: the slave isn’t greater than the master (nor disciple above the teacher-Lightfoot) but what were you doing?

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