Jesus Christ loves everyone

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone,Or. America)

This tune is from the time Jimmy Crack corn was written in America when all through the south, slavery was the status quo. I liked the tune better than the lyrics so I replaced it. In the middle of singing this tune, I'll quote out of fun Satan coming back to sing Jimmy crack corn and I don't care and so on. It's really a catchy song to praise our Lord Jesus Christ...
To the tune of Jimmy Crack Corn (Blue Tail Fly)

Oh Jesus comes to help the poor
He brings His goodness to restore
Your mind and body and the soul
Let God invest in your control

Jesus Christ loves everyone
Jesus Christ loves everyone
Jesus Christ loves everyone
Make Jesus Christ your Lord

Now some will say that they don’t care
They have no use for faith and prayer
They find a place to run and hide
Behind the face that is called pride

But Jesus Christ loves everyone
Jesus Christ loves everyone
Jesus Christ loves everyone
Make Jesus Christ your Lord

There’ll come a day when death will call
The life you’ve lived will tell it all
I hope and pray that you’ll repent
Before your life has up and went

Jesus Christ loves everyone
Jesus Christ loves everyone
Jesus Christ loves everyone
Make Jesus Christ your Lord

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