Jeremiah 10:23

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

As I awoke to a brand-new day
I asked Him to direct my path
To protect and guide, lest I should fall
And keep me free, from grief and wrath

In haste, I departed on an errand
Forgot - if I, had locked the door
Returned and found that all was well
Now,- to that sale, at the discount store

About a mile down the interstate
"One Lane Closed," the sign read
A mass of crumpled steel I saw
I, - could have been, there instead

The sale now ended, when I arrived
"They're all gone", the clerk advised
For that item, I had waited long
Now, I would have to improvise

I heard an old friend was confined
At a rest-home, in the next town
A call revealed, a quarantine imposed
I'd have to wait, before driving down

I had tried to do what I thought best
But obstacles altered what I chose
As I analyzed events of the day
The picture I, began to compose

Watching the evening news, I learned
An interstate accident, with one dead
And a recall on the item, I had sought
Injuries had occurred, - the reporter said

So, - back to that morning prayer -
Did He supply my wants, - - or needs?
Consolation I found, "alone" - with Him
As I read, - Jeremiah, ten: twenty three

Comments for Jeremiah 10:23

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Sep 10, 2014
Thank the Lord for His protection!
by: Mark (webmaster)

Jer. 10:23 "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps."

Yes, the Lord is Good and He protects us even when we don't know it, doesn't He?
Most of the time he is protecting us from ourselves!!
Thanks Colan for your submission. It will bless the hearts of many!

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