by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)
“I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. ( Isaiah 42:8 )
Recently, I have talked with a number of "like minded Christians", as far as what lies ahead for America, given our current political environment. Is God truly finished with America ? Has He taken His hand off America ?
America has seen the best of times and the worst of times, down through the ages. I was not privileged to be living during the "great depression". However, I've heard many a tale, from my dated relatives, on behalf of that dreadful era in history.
Our American national election is now a thing of the past. Yes, it's over but we, who claim the name of Christ, certainly aren't over. We still have some "old testament" religious fight left in us. It's time for us, as a Christian nation, to look ahead to the future regardless of the latest election results.
There will be many major decisions to be made from a political perspective. But the most important decision, the one with which we all may take part, is the direction of our country from God's point of view. Do we go with God ? ( Acts 4:19-20 ) Or do we go with the political mind-set of the day?
One of our early church leaders, Peter, was faced with the same decision during the onset of the early church. When faced with this paradox, Peter stood firm for the gospel ( Acts 5:29).
If God is the one who sets up governments, and we know from history that He does, are we to obey those bad governments? The answer is "no". We are to obey governments unless they violate the scripture. In ( Romans 13:6) we find that our rulers are supposed to be servants of God. However, since governments are controlled by the people, these same governments often times become corrupt. Herein is where the fault lies.
Conversely, like the saints of old, Christians should never go against the perfect will of God. You see, God uses the just and the unjust to effect His plan for the ages. ( 2 Peter 2:9 ) Yes, God was, is and will always be in total control of both the just and the unjust. This concept is called the “sovereignty” of God.
Nothing gives us strength and confidence like an understanding of the sovereignty of God in our lives. God’s sovereignty is defined as His complete and total independent control over every creature, event, and circumstance at every moment in history. Subject to none, influenced by none, absolutely independent, God does what He pleases, only as He pleases, always as He pleases.
God is in complete control and everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Him for His own perfect purposes. It took me some time, after our recent election, to accept this concept. But it is surely true that all our elected officials are in position, according to God's will. We may gripe, complain and even write about this concept but that will not change God's mind one iota.
Back to the presumptive title of this article, " Is God finished with America? " America may be at its darkest moment. On the other hand, since I'm not privileged to predictions of the future, I don't know if God is done with America or not. I can only assume if America's future is in God's hands, ( Isaiah 14:24) which I feel that it is, then God has not given up on us. ( Isaiah 46:10 )
One thing I do know, however, God is not done with me ( 2 Peter 2:9 ) and he is not done with a vast number of His followers. God is not done with His church and never will be. ( Matthew 16:18 ) We can stand strong for our nation to insure our freedoms, moreover let's stand stronger in Christ and for Him ( Philippians 1:21), to fight the true good fight of making disciples of all nations.( Matthew 28:19 )
How may we make a difference, interacting in this country influenced by evil ( 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 ) ? We would do good to take a lesson from history. The early church was in its early stages of development, by having to fight the political religious character of the day( Acts 4:1-7 ( Acts 6:11-15)( Acts 8:1 ).
And this new church received help, in the form of God's Holy Spirit. ( Acts 9:31) If we Christians would only practice the same church bylaws, as did the early church, ( Acts 2:41-47 ) we could turn this nation around for God. ( Romans 8:37 )
From the very onset of human history up until now, we have many examples of the consequences of avoiding God's plans for our lives, individually and collectively. The scripture gives many examples of this, starting with the major disobedience of them all, that has effected mankind forever. That being the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:1-7 ).
This defiance against God continued at the tower of Babel, in which God stopped their building plan by confusing their language ( Genesis 11:1-9 ) However, the heart of the matter is made clear in these words, "let us make a name for ourselves". ( Genesis 11:4 ).
Is that same philosophy not still true in today's world? That of leaving God out of our plans. It would surely be OK, if our intention was to give God the glory for our accomplishments. However, by leaving God out of our preparation, as was the case at Babel, we as a country are treading on a rotten foundation.
And what about those Israelites, having to wander in the desert for forty years, due to their disobedience. ( Joshua 5:6 ) And on-and-on we go down through the scriptures, to our modern day culture. When God is left out of any preparation, ( Romans 1:28-32 ) be it government, business or personal, evil consequences begin to start occurring.
Happenings such as a presumptive path of lawlessness, civil disobedience, political corruption, economy woes, and increased natural disasters. You see, we serve a Holy God and He cannot go against His written word. Neither can He tolerate evil. ( 1 Peter 4:17 ) And neither should we, who name the name of Christ.
So, how do we as Christians take a stand for the right and truth ? How do we face the rightful decision ? Do we give support to evil trends ? And if so, does that make us sinners as well ? Or, if we resist these trends, are we not being good citizens ?
Fighting this evil world conflict is very hard, as we are up against the full forces of Satan ( Ephesians 6:12 ). Allow God to give you the proper convictions. Confess if you need too. Ask for his help to obey if need be ( Hebrews 4:16 ).
In ( 2 Chronicles 7:14 ) God gives us a big "if" and a big "I". Yes, if we, as His people, will turn to him He will heal our land. Notice, however, God has left this promise rather open ended. In other words, it is just assumed that if we don't do the dictates of God, He will not heal our land. And if this be the case, what should we expect ?
Scripture must be a primary starting point in seeking God’s will for our country. Especially, when we’re in conflict with respect to the proper stand to take. One of the most important passages for discerning God’s guidance for Christians in conflict is ( Philippians 2:1-11).
In light of this passage of scripture, if you’re in the midst of conflict, with respect to how to handle your emotions concerning our countries ungodly trends, please consider the following suggestions:
Pray that the Lord will speak to you through this scripture and through the ministry of His Holy Spirit.( 1 Timothy 1:5 )
Share your concerns with other like minded believers, as to what God has been saying to you through Philippians 2.
Be open to encouragement from these fellow believers. And above all, ask them to remember you in prayer.( 1 Thess 5:11 )
Take steps to proceed with what God has said to you through this passage. Be a doer of the Word, not a hearer only (James 1:22). You may find it very hard to do what God wants you to do. Be assured, however, God will provide the strength you need if you depend on him. ( Proverbs 3:6 )
This perfect God of ours not only knows our strengths but also knows our weaknesses. ( 1 Cor 10:13 ) If our decisions are made, in accordance with the scripture, God will not leave us. ( Jeremiah 29:11 )
God gives us a very specific direction, for all of these mind-sets, through the apostle Paul , ( Romans 12:1-3 ) by telling us even though we are a part of this great country we should not give in to the dictates of evil. In other words, we as Christians should love the sinner but hate the sin.
We should be bold in the sinners presence by retaining our Christian witness, but never give in to the sinful dictates of the sinner.( Romans 8:7 ) By virtue of the laws of nature, we Christian will remain in this world( John 17:15 ) until God sees fit to take us home, either by death ( 1 Thess 4:16) or by the rapture. ( 1 Cor 15:52)
Dr. Charles Stanley has a very good interview on YouTube, entitled " turning the tide" Please take time to watch the video. It is about 15 minutes. Some of you may have seen this video, so it's just a review for you. And for those of you who have not seen the video, it is a very good message, as to where we may be headed, based on scripture Blessing to all, just keep the faith,
Always remember, God is still on the throne.
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