Infinite Faith

by Lanette Kissel
(Evansville, IN U.S.A.)

I want to say with complete confidence
that I trust in the Lord for everything.
I want to feel that comfort and peace
total reliance on Him can bring.

I want to take faith the size of a mustard seed
and make it grow into a mountain,
where my trust is evident and infinite,
overflowing from an eternal fountain.

I want faith that refuses to recognize
the boundaries of time and space,
A faith that is simply so strong
nothing could ever take its place,
A faith that no trials or troubles
will ever be able to erase.

I desire that my faith should stand alone
when Satan puts me to the test,
A time when putting my trust in the Lord
will be what I do best,
Faith as far as the north is from the south,
as the east is from the west.

Just when will I have enough?
How far can my faith extend?
It’s only when my trust in Him
will seemingly have no end.

Published in Halo Feb. 2011

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Sep 07, 2014
Wonderful poetry !
by: Colan Hiatt

This gives us all a great goal to reach for ! It is evident a lot of thought went into this composition. This should give a boost to everyone who reads !

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