by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)


Two disciples walked one day
On a long and weary way.
Their hearts were weary and sad,
Then the Son of God drew near
To dispel their doubt and fear
He made their heart so glad,
As the storm clouds filled the sky
And the waves were rolling high
Every heart was filled with dismay
Jesus whispered peace be still
Then the waves obeyed His will
On that stormy road of life
Full of misery and strife
Jesus walks with us all the way
He will never leave our side
While we in His love abide
He will turn night to day.

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. (1Peter 2:21)
Once as a child, when walking with Dad on the beach, I tried to match my steps with his in the sand. Needless to say it was a fruitless cause. But with faith, as children of God, we can follow in the steps of Christ Jesus.
Yes, often times it takes one step at the time, as our faith in Christ grows. How about you? Are your steps growing stronger, with the Lord, as you walk down life's pathway?

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