by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul. (Psalm 94:18-19)

I've been there and done that. Yes, I have slipped many a time, during my lifetime. However, thank God, His grace not only saves us but keeps us, as well. For you see, if we have Christ, we are forever in His arms.

In my Savior's arms, My past fades away
In my Savior's arms, Sin has no stay
In my Savior's arms, I will not go astray
In my Savior's arms, My life's without dismay
In my Savior's arms, I'm in His life to stay
In my Savior's arms, His message I'll display
In my Savior's arms, I'll proudly convey
In my Savior's arms, until eternities day
In my Savior's arms, are you not in sight
In my Savior's arms, what be your fright
In my Savior's arms, do you not delight
In my Savior's arms, His spirit to incite
In my Savior's arms

Growing up as a Salvation Army Officer's(ministers) kid, was quite an experience. Yes, that makes me the proverbial "Preachers Kid" or "PK" for short. Well, you might think being exposed to the Christian way of life, one would have an automatic ticket into God's kingdom. Not so, for, we all must come in by the way of the cross.

I still believe in that "Old Time Religion". I can't help but ponder those old "brush-arbor" revival meetings where the "Amen's" and the " Hallelujahs " echoed, as the spirit lead. Since retiring from my secular profession, I pray that God will use this compilation of poems to give encouragement and strength to the Christians as well as draw the sinner into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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