I'll never let you go
(The day Jesus saved me)

by Karen Van Aarde
(South Africa)

This was the day I accepted Jesus into my heart and gave my life to Him.
I grew up in a religion not believing in Jesus Christ and I was involved in witchcraft, but the day I found that Jesus is more real than you and me - I wrote this poem, my first poem and I never stopped.

Thank you Jesus for this gift I received from You, may it bring glory only to You our Saviour King, Jesus Christ our one and only hope.


I’ll never let you go (The day Jesus saved me)- 11 May 2010
I can’t see anything but blackness, for I have lost my spark
Guilt feelings tearing me apart, I’ve been enslaved by the king of the dark

Where am I? In so deep; I can’t even see an escape
Evil dark creatures tearing at me as I try to hide underneath my cape

Have You forsaken me Father, have You left me out to die?
I can’t shout for help, not even a peep, there is something covering my mouth; I’m not allowed to cry

But my voice was made silent, without me even knowing
These shackles and chains are dragging me down, the marks are now showing

My mouth is parched and my tears can be no more
I don’t even have enough strength to look for an exit door

As I lie curled up in the thick darkness of hopelessness and despair
I felt a spider crawling over my back, and I didn’t even care

For I can’t even love myself, so who can ever love me?
I feel thrown away, abandoned, I’m stuck in a nightmare with I, myself and me

But what do I see there in the dark, as I try to adjust my sight
At first a shimmer, but now a piercing light

Fingers tearing at the dark from the outside in
It was Jesus, breaking away the evil eggshell, fighting to get in

As He climbed through, the darkness melted like ice
He came to save me from satan and pay the price

All hell broke loose into a panic as He grabbed satan by the hair
While his partners in crime, all scattered and vanished into thin air

Jesus gave him one look, and franticly satan tries to explain in fear
And as I came to realize it’s my Father, down my cheek rolled a single tear

He threw satan aside, not wanting to waste his time; he is not worth it
As satan scurried like a rat into a corner to sulk and sit

Jesus came to save me; He’ll never let me go
Then He broke the chains and wiped my tears just to let me know

That the jewels and riches of the world could never be compared to me
“I have been looking for you my child, I’ve heard your crying plea”

I shook as I wept in His loving arms, but with a gentle touch
He stroked my head and whispered that He loves me so much

I then looked up and tried to speak through my overwhelming tears
I said to Jesus: “I surrender to You, but I know I must get rid of all my fears”

With a wave of His hand, all my hurt and sores were healed
I can see the truth now; the shields that kept me from seeing, were now pealed

Jesus picked me up and carried me out of the deep and dark hole
And as we came to the outside, an army of angels were cheering for my soul

The tears were now flowing freely from my eyes, I could not stop crying
For I’m healing from the inside, the fleshly things are now dying

“I love You Jesus and I’ll never let you go”
So I gave Him a kiss on the cheek, just to let Him know

But a small kiss, according to me, will never be enough to praise You Lord
I need to be number one on Your scoring board

Let me stand my Lord, my legs are now strong
On how to worship God, there can never be a right nor a wrong

As I realise this, Jesus smiled and told me to go out and let the world know
"For the love of God is free to all, so let your light glow"

“Let it be a light for those in the dark my child, help them and make them see
That I’ll never give up on them nor will I let them go, I have heard their crying plea”

But then I asked: “How my dear Lord, I am but just one”
And then God answered: “Let them get to know Jesus, lead them to My Son”

Then an angel flew my way, carrying something shinny I could see
It was the full armour of God made by the Kings hands to fit me

I was overwhelmed to find that Jesus rescued me to be His soldier
And with this armour, every attack of the enemy I will be able to endure

Then with gratefulness I knelt at His feet to give thanks
And God said: “Rise now again My child, as My soldier of highest ranks”

I do so love you Jesus, but these words can never give justice to the feeling
For I feel so filled by the Holy Spirit, I can jump over a wall or even go through the ceiling

I give thanks to Your love, that never gave up on me, for all this time
Jesus came to rescue me, He paid the price, He paid for my crime

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