If That's what Faith is, This song does God's work to seek the lost.

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or.97027 America)

There are many different stories from the Bible,
that share with us what faith can really do.
Now take Abraham's faith he proved it was reliable,
and God saw that his heart was true,
for God saw his heart was true.

Now Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
would not worship the King's god made of gold.
So into the fiery furnace they went,
but to the King’s surprise,
All three men walked out still alive,
Yes all three men walk out alive.

If that’s what faith is I want it.
If that’s what faith can do,
If that’s what faith is I need it,
How about you?

I’ve heard stories of Moses ever since I was a kid,
and all the mighty faithful things that he did.
Men like Elijah,Daniel,David they all did their part,
in keeping faith strong in the heart.
Keeping faith strong in their heart.

Then our Glorious God sent to us from heaven above,
the One who gives faith,hope and true love,
And it seems to me the prophets said that He would come,
for Jesus who gives salvation is the One,
Jesus who gives salvation is the only One.

If that’s what love is I want it.
If that’s what love can do,
If that’s what love is I need it,
How about you?

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