by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

I once was a stranger to the Christ of Galilee,
Knowing not He loved and cared so much for me.
Then I heard of His great love, How he left His home above
Just because He loved a sinner like me.
But now since he saved me and has made me fully whole,
He has given me peace, joy and love within my soul
Of His love I'll always sing praises to my Lord and King,
In my house while ages shall roll.
Now I am a pilgrim to the land beyond the blue
Traveling forever with my Lord so kind and true.
Every step He leads the way all my fears He doth allay
And I know for certain He will carry me through.

Being a "PK" ( Preacher's Kid), I wasn't that bad. However, there came a time in my life, when I realized I needed God's Saving Grace, as much as the worst sinner. And, by faith, this became a reality in my life. Praise God

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