by Rev. Howard Rosen, Jr
(Dillwyn, VA)

Rev. Howard Rosen, Jr.
Pleasant Grove Baptist

Proverbs 30:1-9: We have all been in the place where we felt like giving up. There have been issues in our life that have brought us to the place of absolute surrender, where we say we just cant go on this way any more. Then we have made to make a choice to do whatever it takes to take care of the problem or to walk away from it, or just felt like quitting and in some cases just simply turn it over to some one else that can better handle the problem.

Well this is the plea from these verses in Proverbs, Agur a mostly unknown writer of the Bible, but also a very wise man sends us a message from his heart on the idea of coming to the place of giving up, not giving up as we think . . . to quit, but to give his soul to the surrender the God.

I GIVE UP . . .

1. To the Knowledge of God – V2-3: The word brutish means dull in thinking, stupid minded. This wise man was simply saying that he had no thought of understanding without God as his guide. Paul said had the same attitude when he said I know nothing except Christ crucified. Oh, how we need to give up or own knowledge and trust God’ wisdom and settle for nothing less.

I Give Up!

2. To the Power of God – V4: Who has been to heaven and to earth? Who has control over all the things of the earth? Who can hold the wind in his hands? What is His name? It is the Lord it is in the power of Christ that we give in to, His leadership, His truth, His kingship in our life! He is almighty! We don’t know the things as He does.

I Give Up!

3. To the Word of God – V5: We so easily look for protection in so many different ways, ways that are empty and helpless, but when we give up to those ideas and trust the pure Word of God we will be strong we will have a shield of protection that the world knows nothing about. Why? Because it is pure, flawless as the finest gold, bright and shining and valuable, priceless are the nuggets we find in God’s Word and endless are its strength for us it cleanses us! Better than Ivory soap!

I Give Up!

4. To the Lies of Satan – V8-9: We are so controlled by the lies of vain lustful life style of the world today, but as true followers of Christ we have to learn to give up to the truth and flee from the lies of Satan.

I Give Up!

5. To the Selfish Self-willed Life – V9: We are bought for a price we are to be servants of the most High God, not leading a life of self going our own way, we have to come to the place of saying not my will Lord but yours, or we cannot be call the followers of Jesus Christ.

I Give Up!

6. To the Complete Trust in the Lord – V9: This wise man Agur was asking the Lord to take care of him, to not allow him to be too rich or too poor so that he could be the testimony of someone who trusted God.

I Give Up!

7. To the Satisfaction from Anything except the Lord – V9: We need to be satisfied with what the Lord has done for us, if we are a complaining group, we are taking the Lord’s name in vain. If we say we are Christians and don’t’ act like it the we are misusing the Lord’s name.

I Give Up!

8. To the Power of Prayer – This whole idea we see here is the attitude of prayer, just asking God to help, asking Him to lead and trust in His power to do all things for us. My friends there are things we all need to give up, places where we need to just say I Give Up! Not quit, but just give it all over to the Lord.

I Give Up!

9. To the Truth that we have need of a change – V11-14: We can clearly see that we are in no better shape for the most part than the times we see explained here, and my friends the message to all generations is the same we need to come to the place of saying . . . I Give Up!

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