I am a Miracle

I am a miracle, my life has always been
I am a miracle, I didn't know myself at my birth
I am a miracle, I don't know when I started
I am a miracle, I realized myself one day
I am a miracle, my comprehension of myself is limited
I am a miracle, physicians can explain but can't make me
I am a miracle, God alone can define me

I am a miracle, since when have I directed my paths?
I am a miracle, I don't know when I put my foot in front of the other
I am a miracle, since when did my worries bring forth food?
I am a miracle, like the birds of the air which are provided for

I am a miracle, I got undeserved kindness, unmerited favor
I am a miracle, unconventional has become the new conventional
I am a miracle, new settings have been made to allow for me
I am a miracle, boundaries have been cleared for my sake
I am a miracle, hills were lowered for me
I am a miracle, valleys were filled up for me
I am a miracle, men were ordered to acknowledge me
I am a miracle, I was recognized from above
I am a miracle, I have found favor among men and God

I am a miracle, I am moved by faith not sight
I am a miracle, I need neither proof nor evidence
I am a miracle, why should I worry about tomorrow
I am a miracle, my life has been from the start
I am a miracle, my faith allows my life through its course of miracles

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