How To Know The Will Of God

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Romans 12:2

Introduction: Many people desire to know the will of God. They speak in terms of "finding the will of God" and think of it as if they need to hit a bull's eye on a target. A better way - and perhaps more biblical - is to live a life consistent with the biblical truth you do know and then expect God to show you what you do not know.

In a real sense the "secret" is letting the will of God find you rather than hunting for the will of God. This method helps us avoid a spiritual snipe hunt and we are not left holding the bag. It is far more profitable to seek after God than to simply go looking for the will of God. When you know God then you will also know His will.

1. The Moral Will of God - What Can I Know For Sure?

(II Timothy 2:15)

*Rigors of Study - "Study"
*Reason for Study - "Shew thyself approved unto God"
*Result of Study - "Needeth not to be ashamed"
*Right Way of Study - "Rightly dividing"

  • I can know what God's moral will is for me by a diligent study of the Scriptures.

  • I can know what God's moral will is not for me by a diligent study of the Scriptures.

  • I can know everything I need to know about God's moral will for me because it has been revealed in the Scriptures.

Note: Do you notice a pattern?

2. The Sovereign Will of God - What Can I Not Know For Sure?

(Romans 11:33)

  • God's sovereign will is unknown and unknowable (Matthew 24:36)

  • God's sovereign will is immutable and unchangeable (Acts 15:8; Romans 11:29)

3. The Individual Will of God - What Can I Do For Sure?

(Psalm 37:5)

  • Decide - "Commit thy way unto the Lord - volition

  • Depend - "Trust also in Him" - emotions

  • Direct - "He shall bring it to pass" - action

Conclusion: It is never a waste of time to wait upon the Lord. In many respects we ask the wrong question. Instead of "What is God's will for me", perhaps we might ask "How can I make wise decisions?" When all else fails - read the instructions!

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