Hosanna: Save Now

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Luke 19:28-40

Introduction: The crowds shouted "Hosanna" which means save us now. On the surface that would seem like a good thing. However a good thing is not always a God thing. Most of the people wanted to be saved from Rome and not from their sins. They had a skewed view of the mission of the Messiah.

Many today want Christ to save them from everything from politics to poverty. The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost - not from the democrats or the debt collector but from the clutches of sin and spiritual despair.

1. The Preparation

All of the Bible records the Divine preparation for this moment in human history. All of the prophets including John the Baptist sought to prepare humanity for the Lamb of God.

Now on the tenth day of the month prior to Passover the preparation intensifies and according to Old Testament stipulations the lamb which will be sacrificed in a few days is brought into full public view.

2. The Prediction

Zechariah 9:9 predicts in minute detail this very moment in the final week of Christ on earth. The Scribes and Pharisees would have known this prophecy but they could not look beyond the sacred page and see the Lord. They were blinded by their own ambition and tradition.

3. The Procession

By doing this Christ forced the leaders to accelerate their plans to coincide with God's prophetic calendar. For many days Christ had instructed his disciples by saying "it is not time" but now the final week commenced - right on schedule. The Scriptures are now being fulfilled at a blinding pace.

4. The People

There are three general responses to the Messiah -

Some rejected Him
Some accepted Him for the wrong reason
Some accepted Him for the right reason

5. The Perception (Luke 19:41-43)

In the midst of all the shouting and dancing, the Savior was weeping. He could see what they could not see. The phrase "because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation" indicates impending judgment; not blessing.

Is it possible that the Lord sits in the midst of the congregation today (amid the music, dancing, shouting, etc.) and weeps because those "worshipping" do not know the time of His visitation?

Conclusion: Read again verse 31 - "Because the Lord hath need of him." Let that phrase claim your attention and meditation. Doesn't it sound strange to hear the words "the Lord hath need." Theologically God does not have "needs" as we think of them but He does give His people things and asks for their use.

A borrowed womb - a borrowed tomb - a borrowed donkey. Of course he could create all of these things as the need arises. He does create but then He gives these "creations" to us and then says "I need that." Why would you ever seek to hold on to something the Lord needs? It is not yours anyway - is it?

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