Honor The Veteran

by Colan Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

I saw him walking across the street
A little humped, with a touch of grey
"Veteran," was inscribed on the cap he wore
Surviving others, - that had passed away

His steps was not as agile and brisk
As they were a few decades ago
Perhaps his vision not as clear
But the beam in his eye was still aglow

For freedom and a way of life
He had stood strong and tall
Unyielding to the enemy
When it seemed there was no hope at all

A portion of his life was spent
Apart from family and friends
When the call for duty beckoned him
Serving his country, brought dividends

For the stars and stripes many died
Others maimed and misunderstood
When they returned to society
Some were rejected, in spite of their good

They deserve our honor and respect
They deserve to be recognized
In society they deserve a special spot
Their importance should be emphasised

When we stand at attention to the flag
As it waves gently in the breeze
Let us be thankful for the veterans
And remember them, when on our knees

Colan L Hiatt = 03-18-18
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Sep 29, 2020
by: Mark

Looks like the picture came through!

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