He Is My All...

by Lisa

He is my all especially when I fall
He is my comfort when the winds are cold
The chill of the emptiness and my hunger may call
But I feel at ease knowing he is my all
And though I cry sometimes no matter what time of day
When I get discouraged he guides my way
You are my morning sun even in the rain
My stroking of my hair when in pain
And as the depths of me cry out to you
I pray you stay and keep doing the things you do
I know I am not perfect and this one can see
Even the blind know the flaws that are of me
I feel your assurance one day I will be free
Your eyes of garnets your hair of brown fire and skin of amber honey silk
Your kind hands and caresses as smooth as fresh milk
And your voice and song of leagues of angels sing to me
Even your words carry sweet melody
I hunger for you as a great lion with no food to eat
I thirst for you in a furnace like desert without defeat
Yes I say the glory is when I fall
To remind me each day you are my all
To Beloved Jesus

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Jun 24, 2010
Praise Jesus
by: Anonymous

Yes he is all and he will help you get through the natural world of deception. Great poem.

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