God's Saving Grace

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or. America)

You can see the beauty in the eyes of a child,
reaching out to Momma’s hand.
Oh hear that river roaring out running wild,
Down a mountainside so grand.
The many miracles God gives to man.

Jesus speaks to the heart,
Come and receive to know God's Grace He gives.
This life we live will soon fall apart,
But God's Saving Grace forever lives.
God’s Salvation is truly what a miracle is.

Doing drugs was like a bad roller coaster ride,
Made me high then left me down.
I lived a selfish foolish life full of pride,
Mr. make believe in town,
I really did not care where I was bound.

But Jesus spoke to my heart,
Thank You, Lord, for the many blessings You give.
This life we live will soon fall apart,
But God's Saving Grace forever lives.
God’s Salvation is truly what a miracle is.

You can see the beauty in the eyes of a child,
reaching out to Momma’s hand.
Oh hear that river roaring out running wild,
Down a mountainside so grand.
The many miracles God gives to man.

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