God's Rough Door

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Hebrews 2:14-15

Introduction: The old-timers used to call death "God's rough door." A young A.W. Tozer was visiting an elderly saint who was on her death bed and he struggled with just the right thing to say. The godly women realized the young preacher's struggle and intervened by saying,"Don't worry young man, I am about to cross a river but my Father owns the land on both sides."

1. An Affirmation of His True Humanity (2:14) "flesh and blood"

2. An Explanation of the Purpose of His Humanity (2:14) "death"

3. A Declaration of the Two-fold Accomplishment of His Death (2:14-15)

(1) Destroy the Devil (2:14)

(2) Deliver His People (2:15) Why would a believer ever fear death?

Death is universal
Death is unknown
Death is unstoppable
Death is undequal
Death is undesirable - it is God's Rough Door

Did you ever fear anything needlessly?

The power of death is understandable (for unbeliever)
The fear of death is understandable (even for believers)
The blessing of death is understandable (Rev. 14:13)

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints Psalm 116:15

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