God's Heavenly Home

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or. America)

Note: I work with a friend at the Portland missions, he and I have been at this for many yrs. He honors me with an outstanding sermon to give to the lost and I in return hope and pray I do the same.

Oh I came to listen to the songs she sung
and brought back old feelings of when I was young
As she sang about a love that she once had
It made me laugh, then it turned so sad

Oh she strummed and strummed on her guitar
I could see that she is a rising star
but I’ll never forget her old gospel song
About a place thats called God’s Heavenly Home

The good Lord must have wanted me here today
He knew what I needed to make things okay
My eyes opened wide as she sang another one
about a man scared and on the run

I’ve heard things happen like this before,
now here it is knocking on my front door
Lord knows I've been running for much too long
I’ll give up my sins for God’s Heavenly Home

I could see her show was about to end for us,
So I said,please sing(What a Friend we have in Jesus)
And yes her words came flowing back to me,
with that childhood feeling being free

I got up to leave,out to my old car,
I had forgotten this place was a local bar.
I guess it don’t matter where you may roam,
He’s prepared a place called God’s Heavenly Home.

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Mar 03, 2015
Samuel,Please save me some time!
by: Mark

Thanks for your poems, but could you please help me out and not put explanations in the title box...that's just for the title. The font for the title is too big for a lot of words there.

Notice how I moved your explanation (notes) for your poem to the beginning of the body of the poem.
Please help me out if you will and do that yourself from now on.

Thanks again for your submissions and keep it up.
You are a blessing to many,

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