by Jeff Hagan
(Tacoma WA )
By Jeff Hagan
“‘Pardon me, my lord,’ Gideon replied, ‘but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.’ The LORD answered, ‘I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.’” (Judges 6:15-16)
God uses normal, average, every-day, ordinary people. Once in a while a real powerhouse may come on the scene like Moses or Abraham or Paul, but for the most part, God chooses to use ordinary people like you and me. One reason for this might be because extraordinary people oftentimes become so full of themselves there is no more room left for God. Just think about God in His choosing of let’s say, Moses and Paul, as mentioned above, God had to make both of them completely empty before He could use them to fulfill His purpose.
At this point it would benefit us to look at the twelve whom Jesus chose, but let’s first take a look at Jesus Himself. Jesus was born to normal, ordinary parents. Remember how the people of Nazareth reacted when Jesus went there early in His ministry? “Who in the world does this Jesus guy think he is? He’s nobody special, we know his parents. He’s just one of us” (see Mark 6:2-4).
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which was “only a small village among all the people of Judah” (Micah 5:2, NLT). He grew up in a small area known for nothing of any major significance. Nathaneal, who eventually became one of Jesus’ disciples, even once said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth” (John 1:46, ESV)?
Of course, we know that Jesus was, and is, indeed very special. In fact, we know that he is very God himself. He is the second Person of the Trinity and has both a human and divine nature. But in his flesh, in his humanity, the Father clothed with humble externals. One might even say average or ordinary externals.
At this point let’s take a look at some of the misfits that Jesus himself selected to carry on his work and lead the advancement of his kingdom on earth when he returned to heaven.
Peter seems to have had a lot of passion, and perhaps even some potential for leadership, but he also had a problem controlling his compulsions verbally and even denied Jesus when he found his life on the line (as I suspect the majority of us would have done).
James and John seemingly came from a wealthy family who had connections. But from this privilege it appears came a bit of pride and entitlement. Their mother even tried to make a deal with Jesus so that they could be the ones sitting at his right and to his left in his kingdom.
Matthew was a tax collector and tax collectors were not very popular. In fact, they were considered thieves. They cowered to the Romans doing their bidding in exchange for money. How many of you would pick a traitor as one of your closest friends and confidants?
Then we have Simon the Zealot who was a political radical wanting to overthrow Rome.
Jesus chose normal, average, everyday, ordinary men to pass his entire ministry onto. But those ordinary men, filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit, did extraordinary things which changed the entire world.
You too, with knowledge of God’s word and the guidance of the Spirit, can be used by God in amazing ways. Just humble yourself before Him and ask Him to.
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