by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL, USA)

Please read Psalm 23, to prepare for this poem.

Is Christ Jesus your Shepherd? If not, simply accept God's free grace, by faith. God's free gift of an eternal relationship with Him, by way of His Son's death on the cross, is yours, if you only accept it. Just simply pray that your sin be forgiven and take God by faith.

Gentle Shepherd, laying in soft meadows of green
Gentle Shepherd, tasting of earths sweet cuisine
Gentle Shepherd, drinking fresh quiet waters serene
Gentle Shepherd, shunting evils utmost demean
Gentle Shepherd, from clouds the gospel to glean
Gentle Shepherd, accepting a God as yet unseen
Gentle Shepherd, by faiths grace we now careen
Gentle Shepherd, from sin we are now made clean
Gentle Shepherd, forever in Glory one day to convene
Gentle Shepherd, worshiping praising Heavens serene
Gentle Shepherd, enjoying all the congregations routine

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