
by Brandon Boyd

Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. {Think about this.}

See as we often forget, myself included, Jesus was praying for our forgiveness while he hung on the cross.
How many times do we hold grudges or how long have we been holding on to something day after day, year after year.

The simple fact is that Christ went through all that pain just for us and there's no other way to to inherit the kingdom of heaven but by the blood of the lamb. But that being said, a man without forgiveness in his heart is not a true Christian, for the word Christian means to be Christ-like and was it not Christ who Prayed for our forgiveness while hanging on the cross? Amen!!!

If we hold on to the things someone does unto us then that would be like living in hell, for after all God is the God of peace and love, slow to anger and patient. For when at that moment he could have stopped the pain he went through, but he didn't and he did it for us. HE DID IT FOR US!!!

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