Faithful Servant

by Callie Ariel
(Chennai, India)

Not another option
Lord I don't want many open doors
My life is Your breath in action
And it is Your will that I adore
When I look inside to feel
The deep desires in me
Roaring emotions slowly fade
And only the gentle sound of Your heartbeat remains.
Trying to focus,
And struggling to find
The reason for my life.
Lord, what were your thoughts for me?
When I was nowhere else but in Your mind.
Your perfect Life
Teaches me how to live and walk
Your selfless Death
Makes me wonder
Why did you care about me so much at all?
Your resurrection my King
Proves your power and dominion
Above all that I behold in awe.
Life goes on here for few years alone.
The rest I spend in an eternity
Irresistible though unknown
With arms open wide
Master you are waiting for me.
To show me my mansion
And Your Glory to reveal
When you behold me in your arms
I want you to say

“Well done faithful servant
You've always known my heart
And obeyed my voice
Even through troubled paths”

In this life Father
My strength will always fail.
Oh Lord, My Master
Let your Grace alone prevail.

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