by CharlesRobey
(Trussville, AL USA)

"If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." (Genesis 4:7)

The United States presidential election of 2016 is over with a clear winner, in accordance with the prescribed procedure of The United States Constitution, Amendment XII, describing the dictates of the Electoral College, as ratified on June 15,1804.

However, for the Christian world the fight is not yet over. Evil continues to plague our country. For those of us who believe in God's attitude toward prayer we must pray as we never have before.

Now the country is experiencing an unprecedented protest, against America's established election process. This protest includes some state electors in states won by the lawfully elected candidate, announcing they may not vote for the winning presidential candidate, even though the candidate was chosen by the will of the people.

Other state electors may possibly file lawsuits, as they don't agree with the Electoral College and the presidential candidate chosen by the people of their state.

Along with these moves, a number of state votes are now being challenged by a voter recount, although no evidence of voter irregularity has surfaced.

Why all these exceptional maneuvers? What is causing these unmatched challenges? Simply put, we are in a spiritual war of evil versus good. (Ephesians 6:11-12) Satan knows his time is drawing short, and he is in a last-ditch effort to triumph over good and to discredit Christianity in any way possible. (2 Timothy 3:1-9, 13) (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

This evil just didn't start with politics, but with the first sin in the Garden of Eden. The man blamed God (Genesis 3:12) and the woman blamed the snake possessed by Satan himself. (Genesis 3:13)

The Bible is clear that the world is now under a curse as a result of this initial sin. (Genesis 3:17), which has resulted in infirmities, diseases, natural disasters, and death. All these things, although under God’s ultimate control, are sometimes used by Satan to inflict misery upon people. (Job 1–2) ( Luke 9:37–42) (Luke 13:16).Including him being involved in our government affairs.

I realize in recent years we have seen an uptick in cynicism among the populace. Many people don't think highly of politics and government. Yet, God has established and instituted the authorities. (Romans 13:1-2) And we believers are subject to this God-given authority. (Romans13:1,5)

However, our God is a God of order and this prescribed authority is an instrument of such order. Our government is simply an instrument of serving human needs, just as the church is an instrument of serving the gospel.

If and when any government or any church, ceases to do this will of our God by compromising the truth, it's time to leave, for our loyalty is to God and His eternal will or purpose. Is this scenario what has taken place in America in recent years, causing the havoc we are now experiencing?

So, to those evil-doers, God's wrath is bad news. The reason for this wrath is the people’s godlessness and wickedness by suppressing the truth. (Romans 1:18) This truth is suppressed because of a determined, rebellious will. (Romans 1:19-20) However good will prevail over evil. Just keep praying.

We who claim the name of Christ must continue to pray. Pray for our country. Pray for our leaders, those now in power, and those prospective newcomers. We've come too far to go back. Just don't give up now, pray and pray hard.

And this prayer request is needed more so than at any time in our country's history. We have to pray down several years of evil domination in our country, which have been instituted contrary to the Word of God.

Examples of such evil are: the removing God and prayer from the public arena. (Romans 13:1) (1 Peter 2:14) (Acts 24:25); condoning the killing of the unborn (Psalm 127:3-5) (Psalm 139:13-16) (Jeremiah 1:5); condoning same sex marriage (Mark 10:6-9) (1 Cor. 7:12) (Lev. 20:13); and not standing with God's people, Israel. (Genesis 12: 3)

We must remember even though often-times the future seems rather discouraging, God is still in control. (Please read Psalm 37) God's sovereignty is in control of all happenings (Daniel 2:19-23) (Daniel 4:17), and He will punish the evil doers. (Psalm 37:1-2)

So, the proper response to God is to not give up, but glorify Him. (Romans 1:21) Our country and we as individuals can still have restoration. This is because of three little words. "Justified", “redemption,” and "sacrifice of atonement.” (Genesis 3:24-25)

God is still on the throne. None of these current possible disruptive political maneuvers as a result of this last presidential election have taken our God by surprise.

Nonetheless, the plan, of our future leaders must begin with calling on God (Acts 2:21), and so continue. For apart from Him, as we have seen in recent years, our plans are meaningless.

Author's Postscript

Is the happenings of this last presidential election according to the divine intervention of God's providence ? You bet ! The following is taken from (

" Does everything happen for a reason? The short answer is “yes”; because God is sovereign, there are no random, out-of-control happenings. God’s purposes may be hidden from us, but we can be assured that every event has a reason behind it.

We have what is called the providence of God. The doctrine of providence holds that God quietly and invisibly works through the natural world to manage events. God, in His providence, works out His purposes through natural processes in the physical and social universe. Every effect can be traced back to a natural cause, and there is no hint of the miraculous. The best that man can do to explain the reason why things happen in the course of natural events is to point to “coincidence.”

Believers proclaim that God arranges the coincidences. The unbeliever derides such ideas because he believes natural causes can fully explain each event without reference to God. Yet followers of Christ are wholly assured of this profound truth: “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)."

As a cultural indicator, the 2016 presidential election appears to have gone far beyond partisan politics and political theater. It is now perceived by many American voters as “a battle between good and evil,” this according to William Jordan, elections analyst for YouGov polls.
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