Do You Know the Love of Jesus

by Alta Vertis Everton Fagan
(Bogalusa, LA)

Do You Know the Love of Jesus?

Do You Know the Love of Jesus?

This is a poem my Aunt wrote. Her name was Alta Vertis Everton Fagan. She was born June 5, 1914 and died May 28, 1960. She was sick for a long time before she died. Finally she was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. I stayed with her a lot because they had a daughter that was 3 years younger than me. Marilyn died at the age of 32 with breast cancer. She left 3 boys and a husband. She passed away February 14, 1983.

Aunt Alta was the child under my Daddy and one of 10 children. She was a wonderful and beautiful lady and I loved her dearly and she loved the Lord.

Submitted by:
Patricia Everton Stewart
P.S. I don't know what year she wrote this but I do remember her doing it and I was 12 years old when she wrote it. I hope it is a blessing to you as it is to me.

Do You Know the Love of Jesus

Do you know the love of Jesus,
The one who died to save from sin,
How He suffered on the Cross,
To pay the debt for sinful men.

Oh! our Savior, blessed Savior,
How He waits our hearts to win,
Always ready to forgive us,
Yet we crucify again.

It's only through God's love and mercy,
That we are saved just by His grace,
And if we will accept His promise,
We'll meet our Savior face to face.

The love of God we cannot measure,
It is a love to make us free,
Of how He left His home in Glory,
To make a home for you and me.

The one who waits to grant that pardon,
Has promised for our souls relief,
Our sinful hearts and all our sorrows,
If only Him we would receive.

Mrs. Lewis Fagan

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Jun 07, 2015
Beautiful Poem!
by: Mark

Pat Stewart is a church member where I pastor and her husband, Pete, is a deacon. She read this poem to the church at one of our Fifth Sunday Singings. I asked her if she would submit it to the poem section of my website,, and she agreed. Thanks Pat for blessing others with this great poem from your Aunt.
Love you,
Pastor Mark

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