Dear Annie

by Elizabeth
(United States)

Dear Annie,
i know we've never met, but i want you to know that i love you. im not sure if you can see me down here from way up there in heaven, but i dont fit in with our family. id be lying if i said im doing fine.. everyone knows im not. sometimes i feel an empty space. a space that only you, my sister, could fill. i feel alone most of the time. i wonder if you would understand my feelings, if you would be here for me. i wonder what you would be like, i wonder if youd be anything like me. would you be perfect like our other sister? or would you be beautifully flawed like me? would you have red hair, ADHD, OCD? would we share a room? would we hang out a lot, just you and me? im not sure what you look like, how you sound. i dont know your personality, but i hope you know me. i hope you know that i havent forgotten you, you have a place in my heart that wont disappear. im trying not to cry as i write you this letter, and you dont know how silly i must look sitting here crying, holding my computer. i wonder if we'd have inside jokes, if we'd laugh and cry together. i know youre up there singing with angels. im sure you know great granny and aunt marti. if God hasnt told you yet, soon you'll meet aunt mary lynn. and someday youll finally meet me. i feel like i know you, in some strange, unfamiliar way. i know you live in paradise, is there an ocean? do you live by the shore? what do streets of gold look like? well i guess i wont really know until i get there. im really glad i decided to write this, i feel much better now. i had asked God to tell you i said hi before, but ive never said this much. and before i go finish my chores, i cant wait to see you someday. and even though ive never met you and this doesnt really make sense, i miss you and ill be Home soon.

Your little sister, Elizabeth <3

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