Daniel Chapter 10

by Milton Lopez Delgado
(Covington Township Pennsylvania)

I remember after three weeks of fasting
and praying with heart and soul
pleading to the Lord that he help me,
that he hasten to me and console.
Then one day in April as I stood by a
might river, I looked and suddenly there
before me appeared a vision that caused
me to shiver. The vision was about to
speak to me; I grew pale and weak with
fright, then fell to the ground face downward
unable to bear the sight. His eyes were like
pools of fire with feet and arms like polished
brass...and like the sound of a mass of
people His voice roared strong and vast.
He placed his hands upon me I was lifted
up from the ground, and as my knees were
trembling the voice began to resound: Oh
dear Daniel beloved of God, listen to what
I have to say, do not fear for I have been
sent here to answer your prayer this day.
Soon a mighty battle will come to pass
evil powers will fight against the Lord.
But God's faithful will hold firm until the
end then the faithful shall receive their
reward at last.

Adaptation From The Book of Daniel Chapter 10
The Living Bible
Words & Music by
Milton L. Delgado
Arranged by Paul Krauss
September 16, 1984
January 6, 2004

Foot Note:
This is also a Song & Picture Video.

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