Dance In the Rain

by Amanda Jean
(Bryant, Arkansas U.S.)

The smell of the storm in the cool night air
The sound of thunder was my only fear
the world was enchanting, my dreams were planted
climbing trees wild and free, running in gravel with bare feet
roaming wild, exploring each day
you're loving arms protected my way

You carried me out to dance in the rain
to nourish my dreams and wash away pain
releasing myself to your gentle voice

Lost within my juvenile pride
running from truth, dying inside
your hand held tight, confused and scared
in that August hour, a chill in the air
I realized what I was trying to break through
when you lifted me up to your elevated view
hinting, something's missing behind my smile

You walked me out to dance in the rain
I smiled with my heart, not afraid to show pain
releasing myself to your steadfast voice

Watched my experiences mold into one
found myself ready to transform
letting the past release me, the present surround me,
the future guide me

I walked out to dance in the rain
I smiled with my heart in spite of the pain
releasing myself to my inner voice
you're the strength in my heart, the drive in my feet,
helping me see who I'm meant to be
releasing myself to the one true voice

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Jun 26, 2009
Dance In the Rain
by: AJ

Thank you Mark! This song flows very deep in my heart and soul. I appreciate your reply. I would love to hear the message you give one day regarding "Dance In the Rain." I will send you a copy of the song shortly...

Jun 23, 2009
by: Mark Hollingsworth

The words you have written are so beautiful and so touching. I know these are the words to a song you have written. I would love to hear that song sometime! Thank you so much for sharing the poem with us. I know it will be a blessing to many and some preachers will surely use these words to illustate a point in their sermon. I know I will.

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