Daddy's Girl

by Osemene joy

Daddy's Girl

How time flies,
Days seems to fall into months, months fall into years,
How big my baby seems to have grown,
So much in the image of her father,
How elegant she has become like the cedars of Lebanon,
How flourishing like the trees planted by the rivers of water,
Once timid but now as bold as a lion,
Full of courage and boldness,
Once my baby, always my baby.
I could still see within those looks, the first tears and laughter when she got to call me father for the first time,
The days and night she coiled herself under my warmth,the days she tells me every bit of secret,
The days she could boldly confessed her fears and difficulties before me,
The days she wanted to be spoon-fed by daddy and no one else,
Those days when she longed for Daddy's presence, she could feel his nearness all days and all night,
His peace surpassed all understanding, his love was pure, his mercies undescribable.

But my love, how big you have grown,
But daddy will always call you his little girl, how he now longs for that little girls company,
But now she is so occupied,she now has so many dreams and aspirations,
So many plans and purpose,
The guys now clusters around,
She now talks to daddy from a distance,
She eats alone now,
She handles all issues before letting daddy know about them,
She now thinks she is a burden to daddy.

Each time I stand by the door of her room,
I can hear her sob,
I know she is hurted, she needs someone to talk to,
But she doesn't call out to daddy, she call her family, friends and sometimes the foes comes along unknowly,

Always I lit a candle just in case at night she wakes up, she doesn't stumble nor fall,
Every morning she hurries out, with little or no attention to how d blanket came to be around her ,or the window that was locked in the middle of the night.

How desperate I am,
I love my little girl,
Even if she is grown,
I want to always be her daddy ,
I want to help her in all things and not just few things,
I want to show her how easy things are without her struggling,
I love my baby girl,
Forever and Always,

And you are my baby girl.

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