
by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

1st. Timothy: 6:6,7 and 8


It seems as months and years progress
More and more gadgets, come our way
A new way to do most everything
Trivial "things" - consume our day

Hundreds of channels at our fingertips
The TV always - offers more
So many colors and styles of shoes
Many corners have, a convenience store

Our cars - offer gimmicks galore
Communication has intensified
But with all the added frills
It seems we are never satisfied

The total hours within our grasp
Remain the same as yesterday
So how much more - can we add
And still be content, - with today

The carefree days of yesteryear
Seem no longer to exist
There is a never ending quest
To aquire more items to our list

So what is missing in this modern age
As we reach out for more and more
Somehow it seems more is less
A void lingers at our door

I believe that in life, we will find
That God's way will render gain
And supply contentment along the way
Then our efforts will not be in vain

So the ingredient that, we need most
Which may be missing from our mix
The answer we can simply find
If we adhere to, -1st. Timothy six and six

Comments for Contentment

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Aug 10, 2014
Another good one, Colan
by: Lanette Kissel

I really liked this poem too, and it reminds me of one I have written called "Enough". You have hit the nail on the head here. So much of what this world offers up will only leave us empty. You point this out with your poem. There is only One who can fulfill us.

Keep up the great work.

Jul 28, 2014
by: Mark

You hit the nail on the head. We all need to read and heed this wonderful poem.
Thanks and Blessings,
Mark (

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