Contentment #3: Autarkic Viability - Final Questions Concerning Contentment

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

I Timothy 6:6-8; Philippians 4:11-13; II Corinthians 9:8

Introduction: The English term "autarkic" is derived from the Greek term which is translated as content or contentment. The total competence of the Christian to perform every good work which God has assigned for him is a thrilling thought. The believer's success depends in no way upon cooperation with the world.

Autarchy in a political and economic sense is the ability of a nation to survive in total independence of any other nation. The Christian in the world whose only concern is that he do the will of God has autarkic viability. He needs no one or anything but God. Here are some lingering questions regarding contentment as we conclude this series.

1. What is the source of my discontentment?

Answer: I am not satisfied with what God has provided. I perceive that my needs are not met.

2. What are the symptoms of my discontentment?

Answer: I have a murmuring or grumbling spirit.

Read the following carefully - Jude 15-16; Exodus 16:7-8; Numbers 14:26, 36-38; Psalm 106:21, 24-25.

3. What must I do to be content?

I must have confidence in God's providence (Phil.4:10)

I must be satisfied with what I have (Phil.4:11)

I must not be driven by circumstances (Phil.4:11)

I must be empowered by Christ (Phil.4:13)

Conclusion: Our words of witness will fall on deaf ears for the most part if we ourselves are not content. A discontented Christian is a contradiction of terms and is a poor adverstisement for the transforming power of the grace of God.

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