by Rev. Howard Rosen, Jr.
(Dillwyn, VA)

Pleasant Grove Baptist

1 Kings 10:1-3 & Mat.12:42 – Walk in His Ways
It is not a popular thing for people to tell all that is on their heart, we all hold certain things back to a certain degree. The sad thing is we have gotten so accustomed to not being open with each other that we have lost the heart to be completely open with Jesus Christ and giving Him the full rule of our heart and communing with Him about all we do and seek Him for wisdom in our life.

We see what is happening here is that King Solomon and the queen of Sheba are having a deep open relationship and she is seeking to know things that the wisdom of Solomon can answer . . .she had hard questions, V1. Then we see in Matthew that Jesus says that a greater wisdom than Solomon is here, of course, we know He is talking about Himself.

The problem is that we are too silent when it comes to communing with the master of wisdom; we are too fast to seek worldly friends and wrong advice.
My friends this is a sin before God Almighty who has given us full access to His throne.


1. To Neglect is Unkind – Jesus has invited us to talk with Him, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice and thy countenance is comely. Song of Sol. 2:14. Should we be so unkind as to not be open with Him?

2. To Hide is Unkind – To conceal anything from such a true friend is to betray the relationship. It shows that something is wrong when we try to hide from the master of wisdom; He already knows us . . . and still loves us and wants to commune with us. We cannot hide anything for our God.

3. To Be Unconfident is Unkind – Do we doubt His love for us so much that we are in fear to be open with Him? There should be no secrets, or love will be wounded. You know that confidence in the love of a relationship is vital to its strength.

4. To Be Uneasy is Unkind – Not being open in any relationship will cause unrest and distrust, we have an open door. We have a responsibility to keep an open heart with the master of wisdom. Rest in Him trust in Him.

5. To Be Distant is Unkind – When we loose communion with the master of wisdom, as with any relationship we become distant and things become fretful.


1. Our Sorrows – He knows what they are, and can comfort us and help us to profit by them instead of feeling so uneasy and dissatisfied. He can in due time remove them.

2. Our Joys – He will add His joy to all you do. There is nothing that has any real joy without the master’s touch.

3. Our Service – He was a servant, He knows our heart, and will help us with all difficulties, take them to Him.

4. Our Plans – He will gladly commune with you when you when you go to Him with any idea of making plans. He will gladly give you the wisdom to guide you and show you the way of God has for you.

5. Our Success and Failures – He wants us to report to Him, asking for His grace, forgiveness and mercy when we fail and offering His praise, thanks and giving Him the glory when we have success

6. Our Desires – Holiness, usefulness, faithfulness, heaven all these things our master wants for us and He prays for us about these things.

7. Our Fears – When we fear failing, falling, fainting, dying just to mention them to Jesus is to end them.

8. Our Loves – He can make the love of God dwell in all that we do.

9. Our Uncertainties – The master of wisdom can help us with all feelings, uneasiness and all the complex emotions we may have. When we commune with Him we will be more certain that the world can even understand. While they are wondering what to do we can claim the wisdom of the master.


1. How we need a growing relationship with the Son of God.

2. How we need a constant fellowship with the one that has overcome the world.

3. How we need to seek His perfect wisdom in all we are involved in.

4. How we need a healthy walk in the ways of the Son of Man!

5. How we need to feel I to be a natural thing to commune with the master.

6. How delightful it is to know and to walk in His ways. But how certain is destruction for those that don’t. Those that never commune with the master . . . Will He not say I never knew you?

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