Colors Of Blessing / New Life In Christ

by Susan

This is a theme poem for the fall. It can be used for Bible School or Ladies Dinner Theme. The biblical truth is New life In Christ, family.

"Colors Of Blessing"
By: Susan Y Nikitenko 2009
Revised 2010 - 2011

Could the angels have special jobs;
Like painting leaves of fall?
Can’t mighty God do anything?
He has created all.

Perhaps angels spread forth their wings;
To paint the swirls of fall.
Upon the trees of mountain tops;
And on the forests tall.

A swish of orange, a splash of gold;
A whirl of autumn red.
Every creature great and small;
I’m sure would lift their head.

From tree to tree each color grows;
and spreads across the land.
A gift from God to be enjoyed;
Made by his perfect hand.

Each angel flying here and there;
Spreading colors of joy.
And when leaves flutter to the ground;
It makes a rainbow toy.

Children jumping, children laughing;
In the colorful mounds.
Up pops a smiling little face;
With all the fun filled sounds.

And like a child I too will laugh;
I’ll jump right in with glee.
And enjoy these lovely blessings;
He’s given you and me.

Orange leaves of family laughter;
Red leaves a promise of grace.
Yellow a golden forever;
In the arms of God's embrace

I’m not to old to play in leaves;
Too old to have some fun.
I’ll roll around and giggle too;
and I’ll have joy in God's Son.

For He fills my heart with laughter;
He is so good you see.
He’s painted this, a lovely world;
It is inside of me.

Jumping daily in His presence;
A colorful array.
Jump into Joy, Jump into peace;
By trusting Him every day.

Jump happily, into kindness;
Jump with glee into love.
Be content and be hopeful;
Looking to Him above.

Jump into a New Life, in Christ;
You'll never be the same.
He gives you a new heart, a new start;
Just call upon his holy name.

Leave a lasting essence of hope;
To all eyes watching you.
A rainbow of blessing awaits;
Come, jump into it too.

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