Christ Alone

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

I recall so well, in former years
In my life, there was a void
Facing eternity brought me fear
I knew judgement, I could not avoid

As from my dilemma, I sought release
Some offered a solution, to pursue
Do good works, and keep the law
Somehow, that was not enough, I knew

It was by His grace, I came to know
That all my works could not atone
The true solution to my plight
Was to be found, - in Christ alone

I'm thankful that God intervened
And placed roadblocks across my path
His guiding hand has kept me safe
And delivered me from impending wrath

The incarnate Christ - the atoning blood
Shall be my only plea
When battles rage and friends forsake
To no other refuge, - can I flee

He is the Fortress and the Rock
The steadfast Anchor, in every storm
When my feeble efforts do not suffice
In Him, I will never, be forlorn

Names have surfaced through the years
And sought to allure the very elect
But His sheep follow, no other voice
To a stranger, they will not connect

I'm thankful for stalwarts, who have stood
Those grounded solid in His Word
Proclaiming that "in Christ alone"
Can all our sin, be deferred

Comments for Christ Alone

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Jul 10, 2014
Christ Alone
by: Colan L. Hiatt

Thanks - Joellen for reading my submission. I trust that any material I have posted, will honor Christ and be a blessing.

Jul 10, 2014
Christ Alone
by: Colan

I'm thankful it came across as constructive. This is another writing that depicts a "personal" message. I appreciate you taking time to comment.

Jul 03, 2014
Colan, this is a beautiful poem.
by: Lanette Kissel

Wow! This is maybe my favorite of yours so far. There is a song we sing at church that is one of my favorites, In Christ alone... This poem is just as moving. Great work, friend.

Jul 02, 2014
good read
by: Joellen

thanks for the share...loved reading In Christ Alone..great read...

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