by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Have you been hurt, disappointed or even abused? If so, this is no surprise to our Heavenly Father. For He is the all knowing and all seeing, living God. Just take the time to know Him better in quite prayer. He's always waiting to comfort. Just, don't let a lack of trust keep you in the grasp of anxiety.

In John 14:1, Jesus says not to let your heart be troubled. For you see, even before the foundation of the earth, God knew your fate. That's why He said not to be troubled. There's nothing too big or too hard, that our living God doesn't understand. So, just quietly talk to your Heavenly Father.


Tho doubt and dismay should unfold you, and hope of relief becomes dim
Remember that someone has told you, to cast all your cares upon Him
If sorrow and trouble o'er take you, and grief fill your cup to the brim
There's one who will never forsake you, so cast all your cares upon Him
When mourning the loss of the dearest, and tears make your couch seem to swim
Tis then that the promise be dearest, to cast all your cares upon Him
If worried and worn you've neglected, the lamp that He gave you to trim
Then by His word you're directed, to cast all your cares upon Him
Just cast all your fears upon Jesus, cast all your cares upon him
His word is so true and He cares for you, so cast all your cares upon Him

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