
by Ashley

There is a staircase with angels and just two, boldly I say, "I need to see the Father, will you please let me through?"
Slowly I climb as I walk behind, his throne at the top so true and divine.
Bowing to one knee and softly I speak, Lord I have come for there is something I seek.
I am a soldier who fights on your battlefield, covered in your armor, helmet and breast plate, wearing your belt of truth and holding your shield, your word also I have tucked and sealed.
Many have fallen as the rest stand and fight, the enemy's much closer and taking more height.
Coming in at all sides, we're giving it our all, they've got us surrounded and still climbing the walls.
All their weapons, fiery darts overhead, we need more power, the enemy hasn't fled.
Father, I need you, you know what to do, I need only one thing, Lord, I have come for your sword.
Back on the battlefield, I have the enemy in sight, shielded by his left hand and the swing of his right, the enemy's struck down, darkness beat by our light.

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