Baptism Is Essential

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Acts 8:26-40

Introduction: We should never apologize for our emphasis upon believer's baptism. Baptism is not essential to salvation but it is essential for obedience in the Christian life. The importance of baptism is seen in the passage before us.

1. THE DEACON (8:26-30)

  • His commission (8:26)

  • His obedience (8:27a)

  • His opportunity (8:27-28)

  • His approach (8:29-30)

2. THE ETHIOPIAN (8:31-34)

  • His bewilderment (8:31a)

  • His request (8:31b)

  • His interest (8:32-33)

  • His question (8:34)


  • Philip's wisdom (8:35a)

  • Philip's message (8:35b)

  • Philip's convert (8:36-37)

4. THE BAPTISM (8:38-39)

  • By an authorized man (8:38)

  • By an appropriate mode (8:39)

Conclusion: The term for baptism is a derivative of a word meaning to overwhelm or make fully wet. A believer is the only proper candidate for baptism. A man authorized by a local church is the proper administrator of baptism. Immersion is the proper mode.

The premiere outward expression of an inward change is not merely walking an aisle, signing a card, or throwing sticks on a fire - it is believer's baptism.

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