Anatomy of a Busybody

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

II Thessalonians 3:11 ". . .but are busybodies."

Introduction: The visible church can become a place where some very difficult, and sometimes stange people congregate. In this passage the Apostle points out the "busybody." In this text and at least two other passages we can learn something about how to spot such a person in the congregation and hopefully steer clear of them.

1. Their Feet Walk Disorderly ( II Thess. 3:11)

  1. They side step or trip over Apostolic doctrine (3:6)

  2. They will walk to a handout but not a help up (3:11)

  3. If they will not walk away then you must (3:14)

Note: According to Hebrews 12:13 - if you are walking straight then you will be out of step with crooked people.

2. Their Tongue Is Wagging (I Timothy 5:13)

  1. They learn to be idle - They learn to work hard at things which do not matter.

  2. They learn to be tattlers - They will listen to anything but wisdom and will speak anything but wisdom.

3. Their Nose Is Out Of Joint (I Peter 4:15)

  1. Because their nose is too high - they think they are overseers in the business of others.

  2. Because their nose is too long - it can extend all the way into the business of others.

  3. Because their nose is plugged up - it is full of hypocrisy (Matthew 7:1-5)

Note to preachers: The Greek terms used in II Thessalonians 3:11; I Timothy 5:13; and I Peter 4:15 are especally rich. They reinforce the anatomical analogies used in the message.

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