
by James Ralston
(Gainesville, FL)

By living in this world, I have been granted a few things in my life.
I have been granted salvation, and I have been granted a home in heaven.
Another thing I have been granted is the abilty to write, and to look upon your universe and see your name written upon it.

Lord, I see your universe with countless galaxies.
In each there is a solar system.
Each planet revolves around a star.
Lord there is no way, this could be an accident.

I see your creation O Lord Jesus, your animals defy evolution.
Lord I thank you for allowing me to see and understand that your universe displays your name.
Lord I have even seen your dragons, and creatures that were around centuries ago.

Lord this is extremely wonderful.
There is something else, that twists around my mind.
And Lord it is about who you are.
Lord Jesus, your blood can cover, and wash away all the sins of every person who has lived, or will live until you come again.

However, all the blood of every human that has ever lived, or will live combined can't equal a single drop of your blood Lord Jesus.
Lord when I think of salvation, it's amazing.
As there is nothing I can do to earn salvation.
It can't even be bought.
It's all by your grace and mercy.

Lord Jesus, I thank you.
Help me to see the world through your eyes, and help me to proclaim your wonders through the world.

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