Alpha and Omega

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone,Or. America)

A tribute for the One who started it all and will Be here to finish it. My music ministry is for the homeless and it is on youtube with 11 videos, I'm Sam Williams:

By God's Light.
Ridin' on to victory with my Jesus,
All the Saints are gathered here today.
Pass my Holy Bible From the corner,
let the Holy Spirit show the way.

You Know how bad it is down here,
Livin’ in this ole’ veil of tears,
Fightin’ a war it seems we can’t win.

Though satan’s got the upper hand,
We can’t let him take our land,
God’s saying Hey it's Time to Take A Stand.

Good morning America, I Love you.
Say don’t you know Me I’m God's Only Son,
I’m the One they call Alpha and Omega,
And I’ve seen to it, your battles have been won.

It’s ringing through the valleys and the mountains,
The battle cry of brave and righteous men,
Marching with God’s Armour and His promise,
Knowing that we’re in this fight to win!

No matter how it looks down here,
In spite of hatred, loneliness, and fear,
We know that He’s coming back again.

Yes He’ll set His people free,
We’ll reign with Him Eternally,
And see satan buried in his pit of sin.

Good night America, I Love you.
Say don’t you know Me I’m His Only Son,
I’m the One they call Alpha and Omega,
And I’ve seen to it, your battles have been won.

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