All Other gods Are Idols

by Deborah Ann Belka
(Blaine, WA, USA)

All other gods are just idols,
worthless, useless and feign
they hold no power or value
nor can they rule or reign.

There's only One God I know of,
He made the heavens and earth
and the Good News I bring you
will show His magnificent worth.

Honor and majesty are before Him
strength and beauty is His domain
the sea swells to His greatness
Holier that Holy is His blessed name.

He has brought salvation to the world,
to all the people of every nation
soon He will pour out His judgment
and each will receive their due ration.

The universe will tremble before Him,
when on His magnificence all eyes gaze
the trees in the forest will rejoice
every living creature will sing His praise.

Mercy and truth He will bring,
then all other gods will fade away
for all the people will finally see
His righteousness on judgment day.

All other gods are just idols,
worthless, useless and feign
and I have a burning need to tell you
my God will soon come to reign!


Psalm 96:5

"For all the gods of the peoples are idols"

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