by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone,Or. America)

He will change you for the better if you really want Him to

Now flowers grow with some rain
I found out what eased my pain
Cause I’ve been looking for a change

The sun surely warms what is cold
I pray your love never gets sick and old
Jesus is the truth I’m told

I lived my life the way I wanted to
But Jesus came along and (He changed me) (rearranged me)
Now all I want to do Lord is what You want me to
I want to be my Lord what You want me to be

A dying man speaks with his eyes
looking at the end as he sighs
for life and death have no disguise

It’s time now to take your place
confront your problems face to face
God will give you all His grace

I’m singing with all my heart
God knows you need a new start
Let Jesus mend your broken part

Don’t let me leave you behind
I’m praying you’ll change your mind
This old world is so unkind

I pray you’ll come to know Lord Jesus Christ
And the one true miracle that He has done for everyone
Now All I want to do (Lord) is what You want me to
I want to be (Lord) what You want me to be

If you get there before I do
please give my love to you know who
Heaven’s Home waits for me and you

I’ve got to say this once again
Don’t you be dragged down by sin
It will only do you in

I lived my life the way I wanted to
But Jesus came along and (He changed me) (rearranged me)
Now all I want to do Lord is what You want me to
I want to be my Lord what You want me to be

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