
by Alex Reece
(Fort Wayne, IN)

You walk into the courtroom with nerves that cut so deep,
Nervous for your sentence when you sit at your judge’s feet,
Nervous for the despairing words “Depart, I find your guilt”
Nervous to be turned away from the life that you have built;
It all depends on the call of the judge, the climactic fall of the gavel,
So through the courtroom you reluctantly trudge, to your fate that you must travel.
You glance up to the judge’s stand, expecting nefarious eyes,
But what you find is a familiar man, one on whom you rely.
Your attorney stands in the judge’s place; he will decide your fate,
But the judge who stands before you will choose to advocate.
Advocate for your forgiveness, and he can make the choice,
Advocate for your freedom, and speak your crying voice.
Your judges eyes are those of love, He wishes you no harm,
He is your Father from above, and you need no alarm.

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