A soul that still sings

by Ashley Tagoon

A lonely road to a ship at sea,it's full depths only she knows, her now silent soul,it's been shattered by to many hard blows. A beautiful song her soul once sang as her heart played the sweet melody, hurt that dwelled inside threw off such unique harmony. The angels they sat and they listened,she looked up to the sky, it was God her soul sang for while she saw the smile her heavenly father most graciously wore. It's been some time as compassion and mercy she showed, hit after hit but still the goodness she bestowed. They tossed her about as they tore her sails, now a beaten battered ship that wears no veil. Raging seas she had faced, it helped build her in strength but the ugliness of the sea tried taking her down in defeat. Dreams blew like the sand while compassion fought and made a big stand, now it was mercy we were to show to all living man. Lord I call to you, my hands are weary, I have no rest, there's not one solid soul who could love me like you do best. My eyes they once saw beauty as compassion and mercy, they were my soul's bestest friend, let the flood gates open wide, my soul wants to sing to you. A beautiful song my soul sang, my heart played the sweet melody as the angels they sat and listened to that such unique harmony. I looked toward the heaven's, everything begin to unfold, a beautiful song my soul sang as He smiled at The Anchor Holds.

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Nov 22, 2019
by: Michelle

A very moving poem ...i love it!

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