by Adrian Jenkins
(New Zealand)

O blameless Son of God, came to earth to provide a way
For your children, who you love, to be freed from the consequences of sin,
It was your calling to lead a sinless life as a man,
To be tempted in every way possible by the evil one,
But to remain sinless,
And then to die for the sins of we who deserved punishment.
To you we give all glory, praise and thanks.

O loving Father,
That you would send your son to die for us,
So that we could live!
Who could not be awe-struck by such love?
Who could not bow their knees in worship?
In one act of love, you gave us a new way of life
A new way of love, a new covenant, a new promise.
To you we give our lives, revelling in the freedom and peace you have brought us.

O Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Through this act of love, you have given us Jubilee!
You have given us the power to walk in freedom,
And to bring that freedom to others.
The power that you had on that day to bring the world from darkness into light,
You have given to us,
To bring others into the freedom, joy and love that is found in you,
To bring healing, release and peace into a world of turmoil.
We take up the mantle and the calling.


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Apr 20, 2013
very good
by: eva j

I really enjoyed reading your poem; it is great.

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